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  1. genres: Romance
  2. writer: Eric Roth
  3. Director: Robert Zemeckis
  4. rating: 8,9 / 10 Star
  5. Runtime: 142 Minute


Forrest gump free online stream. Forrest Gump free online bingo. Forrest gump free online no download. Hanks turned 75 all of a sudden. Weird. Moral of the story: Love is AIDS.

I did not realize how funny this movie actually was along with being heartwarming

Beautiful. This movie is completely perfect in every way possible. Him spacing out on the field until he is handed the ball kills me. Tom Hanks is the greatest American of all time. He"s got the British humour. He sounded like he was really enjoying himself. Surprised he didnt have a heart attack. I recommend to everyone i personally like it, but everyone have their personal opinion.

26:52 Love how batman is just hanging out in the background. Looook, I"m a crime fighter, not a marriage counselor, so maybe wrap up the domestic squabble and let"s move on, huh.

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I"m not a smart man... I beg to differ. He"s a genius and goes to show that anyone can do anything if they try hard enough.
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Just take me back to the 90"s and leave me there. You did this. You brought this on us. Chokes me up. Your my girl. Simple words/expressions truth and sole full meanings that most can relate to. Fantastic movie. You"ll laugh. You"ll cry. You"ll just have a darn good time. Tom Hanks gives the performance of his career, one year after his other brilliant performance in Jonathan Demme"s masterpiece Philadelphia. The supporting cast is flawless, and the soundtrack would have to be right up there with the Star Wars soundtrack as the best ever, including my personal favourite Creedence Clearwater Revival. Anyone who says this film only won Oscars because, like Rain Man it was about an idiot, has no idea what they are talking about. Citizen Kane may be the greatest film of all time on a technical level, and I do love it, but is it as magical as this film?I think not.

This movie is truly a movie that can pull anyone"s heart strings. When i was a kid I tought it was a dog barking. Ah! Baby Joel Osment! ??. The best film ever. There is no higher accolade. Forrest Gump free online slot. Forrest gump online free. The revolver that was superssed in simple history was pretty bad ass. kinda wish they added it to this part of the movie.


Why you so good to me? You"re my girl I"ll always be your girl ??????????. It"s a very good movie to watch everything is good and you watch it with a good meaning when you like a movie with a good story you have to watch Forrest grump. i liked watching it and sometimes i war just emotional its a Good filmed movie and everyone likes is i think i say watch it and enjoy, i gave tips film a 10 because, when you watch it it tells you a story a good story about a bow who couldn"t run without steel. but one day he has to run and he does it. this men tells everyone over that day. and he is so happy to tell it that everyone by the bus-stop takes a few minutes to listen to him. he tells an interesting story everyone would like to hear.

I thing you should back home to Greenbow Alabama! is a legend. You cannot trust people who don"t love Tom Hanks. He"s the loveliest person in the world. I could squeeze that man. He"s a global treasure. Forrest gump free online reddit. Forrest gump free online hd. Now imagine If he played today for nick sabin with Alabama.

Download forrest gump online free. I"m not a smart man, but I know what love is. Jenny always ran away from her problems. Forest always confronted them. Forrest Gump free online poker. If we"re gonna be playing games, I"m gonna need a can of Monster. Forrest gump free online 123movies.

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Is the music from titanic. Forrest gump movie free online watch. This is my third viewing of "Forrest Gump. The first time I was unimpressed; the second time I had a concussion (rollerblades: too much speed: car) and cried as soon as I saw the feather ; this time I only have a cold. And this movie blows me away even more. As a native southerner, I"m sensitive to "South/Idiot" allusions in popular media, and instinctively braced myself for either sentimentality or stupidity as that feather began its gorgeous journey. Robert Zemeckis has created a masterpiece. Each aural allusion to Beethoven"s 9th Symphony is APPROPRIATE, amazingly enough.
And that"s all I"ve got to say about that.

I wish I had the. Watch movie forrest gump free online. The first time I seen Forrest Gump it was actually a porn. So imagine my surprise when the school said we were watching Forrest Gump in class for the half day Surprise? ?? maybe I should say disappointment. Forrest gump free online full movie. A football star AND a goddamn war hero.

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